The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, September 14, 2018, Columns

France's Louis XV invented the manner for people to be seated in order to have conversation: seated in armchairs.

During the time of poet Su Tung-Po (1037-1101), it was taboo to mention one's father's or grandfather's first names in writing.

Birds sense changes in barometric pressure, and some pick up low-frequency sounds we don't hear. This warns them to evacuate.

According to Michael Greshko in National Geographic, if you could float above the plane of the solar system, you'd notice that more than 99.9% of the objects whirling around the sun orbit counter-clockwise. But bizarrely, at least 95 asteroids drive against our solar system's traffic flow.

According to a study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, the idea that 98.6 degrees is normal body temperature is based on a flawed study from 1868. Researchers found an average normal temperature in adults is 97.7 degrees measured with an oral thermometer. And a temperature of 99 degrees first thing in the morning is a fever, while the same temperature at 4pm can be normal.

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