The Austin Chronicle

Gay Place: South Bi Gay Bi

By Kate X Messer, March 1, 2013, Columns

The tournament of festivals careens toward Austin at light speed. Are you ready? Also, GayBiGayGay seeks volunteers. (See Ho-rizon.)


GET OUT OF MY CROTCH: 21 Writers Respond to America's War on Women's Rights/Reproductive Health. A portion of the publisher's proceeds will be given to Planned Parenthood. Thu., Feb. 28, 7-8:45pm. BookWoman, 5501 N. Lamar Ste. 105-A, 472-2785. Free.

QUEER YOGA AUSTIN (NÉE QUEERDALINI) For those who'd prefer to focus on chi rather than he or she. Queerdalini, Mondays, 7:30pm; Hatha, Thursdays, 7:30pm. Soma Vida, 1210 Rosewood, 628-1580. $5+ donations encouraged. [email protected].

BEDPOST CONFESSIONS EXTRA: THE POETRY SHOW Sadie Smythe hosts this extra special edition of BC, featuring sexy giveaways from Glo's Goodies and the iambic gymnastics of Lacey Roop, Ejede, Poet On Watch, Julie Gillis, Holly Lorka, Alice Rabbit, Trish Sherrer, Jenna Opperman, Jacob Dodson, Ebony Stewart, Adam Sultan, plus, very special guest, Mistress Stephanie and Her Melodic Cat. Fri., March 1, 8-11pm. Spider House Ballroom, 2906 Fruth, 480-9562.

FEMME MAFIA A gathering of La Femme Nostra. First Fridays, 9-11pm, self-ID femme time; after 11pm, admirers, etc. Spider House Patio Bar & Cafe, 2908 Fruth, 480-9562.

FRIDAY NIGHT BEARS A-tisket, a-tasket, check out that bear basket. Big burly gear night. Fridays, 9pm-2am. The Iron Bear, 121 W. Eighth. Free.

VIVA LAS VEGAS It's not a gamble if AIDS Services of Austin and the Capital Area AIDS Legal Project benefit from your faux habit. Copa Kings, Coty Ross, and the Mouthfeel DJs will play 'til daddy gets that new pair of pants. Sat., March 2, 8-11:30pm. Shoal Crossing Event Center, 8611 MoPac N., 261-0142. $50.

AUSTIN GEAR NIGHT Every first Saturday cruise the rough trade. First Saturdays, 10pm-2am. Chain Drive, 504 Willow, 480-9017. $3.

SUNDAY SOFTBALL Bat more than eyelashes. Sundays, 9am-3pm. Krieg Field, 517 S. Pleasant Valley Rd.

'L STYLE G STYLE' RELEASE PARTY BRUNCH Chef Shawn Cirkiel presents brunch to benefit the Sustainable Food Center. Sun., March 3, 10am-1pm. Olive & June, 3411 Glenview, 467-9898. $45.

AFTER-INNINGS Join Softball Austin for a post-game social to "check out" the competition. Sun., March 3, 2pm. The Iron Bear, 121 W. Eighth.

AGLCC MARCH LUNCHEON Get your RSVP in to see what's up with our gay chamber and what AGLCC's doing during SXSW. Tue., March 5, 11:30am-2:30pm. The Westin, 11301 Domain Dr., 832-4197. $15-20.

LISTEN TO OUTCAST! Listen as they welcome and grill guests from every band of the rainbow. Tuesdays, 6-7pm, KOOP Radio 91.7FM.

LEZRIDE! Bike with the butchie babes and betties every Tuesday. Contact for route info. Tuesdays, 7pm. Q Austin, 3408 West Ave., 845/642-7069. Free. [email protected],

LUSHE Not just for lushes, lady. First Tuesdays, 9pm. Rain on 4th, 217 W. Fourth.

2013 TEXAS FILM HALL OF FAME AFTER PARTY The pomp, the glam, the pageantry – and that's just when Stephen Moser hits the carpet. While the Austin Film Awards are not... errr, gay, per se, there is serious/silly aesthetic afoot, and we'd be remiss if we did not recommend highly. It's a Celeste Quesada and Coco Coquette gig. Nuff sed. Thu., March 7, 9pm-12mid. Austin Studios, 1901 E. 51st, 322-0145. $30 each, $50 pair.

KARAOKE WITH KENNY Goes 'til close. Wednesdays, 9:30pm. The Iron Bear, 121 W. Eighth. Free.

LADIES NIGHT Ladies of all shadies get out and werk! Thursdays, 9pm. Basement, 422 Congress.

QUEER RIDE Search Team ProHomo on Facebook for up-to-date details on meeting spots and stops of this weekly ride. Wednesdays, 7pm. Texas State Capitol, 1100 Congress, 305-8400. Free.


GAYBIGAYGAY NEEDS YOU! The beloved queer tape across the SXSW finish line is back on. Volunteer now. Text Roy for details. 512/751-1073. Sun., March 17, noon-12mid. Springdale & Rogge (the 2011 location). [email protected].

OY YOGA It's Jewish with a queer bent or queer with a Jewish bent. Either way, you won't get bent; you'll get strrrrrretched into some fabulousness, three times a week. Sundays, 8:30pm; Mondays, 7:30pm; and Wednesdays, 8am. Soma Vida, 1210 Rosewood, 628-1580. $8-10 suggested donation, sliding scale.

SEX TOY RECYCLING Every closet purge, you run into it – that slab of silicone or whatever, the one that reminds you of ... you know who. What the hell do you do with an old dong? Or buzzing egg? Or flashlight of the flesh? Why, you recycle it, of course. Read the requirements online to participate in Q Toys' recycling program, and get a $5 certificate toward a less stressful closet. Starts March 1. Q Toys, 772-1614. [email protected],

SOUTH BY SO GAY Austin's big party is almost nigh and we want to gay it up with you. Send us any and all info about LGBTQ events you are hosting or playing over the course of the three conferences. We will spread the good news far and wide. March 8-17. [email protected],

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