About AIDS
Free HIV/STD Testing at Pease Park, Aug. 8
By Sandy Bartlett and Lois VanLaningham, Fri., Aug. 1, 2003
The friendly folks from the local health department will be offering HIV and STD testing in their nifty mobile unit at Pease Park on Friday, Aug. 8, from noon to 5pm. The van will be parked near the restrooms and picnic tables, down toward the south end of the park. (Pease Park lies along Shoal Creek and North Lamar, straddling 24th Street/Windsor Road).
All tests are free and confidential. (Testing may be done anonymously.) They will be checking for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Hepatitis C testing will be available for individuals at risk for that disease, as well. Bilingual (Spanish) counselors will be available.
This opportunity for free testing is sponsored by the Austin Travis County Health Department. For questions and further information, call 972-5580. Come on down -- know your HIV status and take control!
Lois VanLaningham, ATCHHD
Sandy Bartlett, ASA