Public Notice

Eye of the Tiger, baby! Are you up to it? Up to this week's public service challenges? Kate and the Pee En crew takes you there.

Meeeeeeee-Ow. (Photo By John Anderson)


We called the family in Florida and told them that if they didn't deliver the Sunshine State for Gore that there'd be quite a cold turkey on the table this Thanksgiving. ... Glad you voted? Sad you didn't? Did you not vote because you weren't registered or because you were too overwhelmed to look up your voting precinct? Why wait for the next election? Register or update: or 473-9473. To find your voting precinct: or 473-9473.

Free Kitten

It was August 4, 2000. The heat? Relentless. The summer? Wearing on like an uncomfortable hairshirt. Sticky, clingy, and penitential as all get out. Unforgiven. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Time to wrap up the nasty scales and fins and bloody fishheads of a pointless tussle. So stupid. Crikey, isn't that the way of it? Denial impacts and creates a veritable domino track -- like one of those serious ones on Real People or Guinness World Records. Cope. Deal. Do it.

We are Tiger. Rebels with a cause -- aggressive, courageous, and candid. Big softies at heart. Romantic, passionate, playful! Power! Courage! Will! It will be another decade before we have a year of our own again. Are you following us? Don't. We're rambling. Rambling without a cause. In The Austin Chronicle issue of August 4, we ran a cool John Anderson photo feature ( about some damn big kitties. Now is the time for all good friends to come to the aid of their kitties.

The Tiger's Eye (née Noah's Land), the wildlife rescue park featured therein, houses over 400 wild animals, and needs our help. A recent press release issues a Plea for Funds to deal with the lease on the property. Please revisit the story via the above Web link or better yet, visit the place, live and in person. The brisk snap of fall that is draping Central Texas is a darned good time to hang out with some cool cats. Send donations to: Noah's Land Wildlife Park, 1033 Hwy 304, Harwood, TX 78632. Or visit by taking Highway 71 east toward Bastrop. Immediately after the Bastrop city limit, turn right at 304. Noah's Land is 30 miles, on the right. From San Antonio, take I-10 east and turn left at 304. Noah's Land is 5.5 miles on the left. 830/540-4664.


Don't adopt a tiger. Their toothy grins aren't appropriate as housepets. Believe it or not, this exotic pet frenzy is what put Noah's Land (see above) in business in the first place. Why not Adopt-a-Minefield, instead? Austin has its own local branch of the United Nations Association of the United States, which is partaking in an international effort to raise awareness about the global land mine crisis. More later. 472-4023.

You Can Laugh!

Yikes! Where did the time go? Boy does it fly. It's already time for Out Youth's annual Peter Pan event. This year, it's been altered a tad into the PP2K Comedy Event. Tonight, Thursday, Nov. 9, 8pm, at the Bad Dog Comedy Theater; recovering SOB (Southern Baptist) Vickie Shaw performs. 419-1233x3.

The Breast of Times

Those smarty pants at Austin's own Breast Cancer Resource Center snuck the Grand Opening & Library Raising of their new Round Rock facility, inside the Texas Cancer Center, 2410 Round Rock Avenue, into the month of November (Sunday, Nov. 12, 2-6pm, to be precise), thereby extending the October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month dealy into another couple of weeks. Good on 'em. Refreshments and entertainment will be the order of the day. Go congratulate them on their new digs! 472-1710.

Dykenamic Duo!

Take that Vitamin E and keep your knickers on, Sally, the girls'll be waiting for you all weekend. If you miss 'em at Club Skirt this Friday, Nov. 10, 7-midnight, then catch 'em at Laydeez Nite: A Hip-Hop Soiree (not to be confused with Atomic Cafe's discourteously named "Ladeez Nite." Nice one, guys.) the next night, Saturday, Nov. 11, 9:30-midnight. CS benefits Any Baby Can & the aforementioned Breast Cancer Resource Center, and LN benefits Austin's Underground Needle Exchange. As Chronicle Books editor Clay Smith would say, "That's a sassy package, girlfriend!" Club Skirt, 682-6987x8067; Laydeez Nite, 804-0647.

A note to readers: Bold and uncensored, The Austin Chronicle has been Austin’s independent news source for over 40 years, expressing the community’s political and environmental concerns and supporting its active cultural scene. Now more than ever, we need your support to continue supplying Austin with independent, free press. If real news is important to you, please consider making a donation of $5, $10 or whatever you can afford, to help keep our journalism on stands.

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More Public Notice
Public Notice
Public Notice
This is the last Public Notice ever.

Kate X Messer, Aug. 31, 2001

Public Notice
Public Notice
"Public Notice" talks about friends and the end of this column.

Kate X Messer, Aug. 24, 2001


tiger's eye, noah's land, Wildlife Park, Bastrop, Adopt-a-Minefield, United Nations Association of the United States, Club Skirt, Laydeez Nite: A Hip-Hop Soiree, Any Baby Can, Breast Cancer Resource Center, Austin's Underground Needle Exchange, October Is Breast Can

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