About AIDS
Ohio Legislature Rejects AIDS Education Money
By Sandy Bartlett, Fri., April 14, 2000
A state has never turned down CDC disease prevention funding before, and some people are concerned that this uncooperative attitude will preclude Ohio from receiving future grants. About a third of the $855,000 grant was for HIV/AIDS education, and the remainder for tobacco use prevention, dental hygiene, and other health issues.
We have always enthusiatically supported abstinence as the guarantee, the ideal. At the same time, however, abstinence-only language already excludes 1/2 to 3/4 of any body of high-school students (depending on age) because they have already left abstinence behind. We have never been willing to write these kids off just because they aren't virgins anymore. Apparently, the Ohio legislature is willing to do so, and in the process, toss everyone else out, too.