The Austin Chronicle

Mister Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, January 17, 1997, Columns

Thomas Alva Edison once electrocuted an elephant named Topsy for killing her three trainers.

American troops in Bosnia are testing a computer called the Falcon (Forward Area Language Converter) that gives instant translations of foreign-language documents.

A caravan of camels once caused a cattle stampede on Austin's South Congress Avenue.

Toho Productions filmed two different endings for King Kong vs. Godzilla. In the Japanese release, Godzilla won; in the U.S. release, Kong won.

"Small beer" used to refer to a lower-alcohol content beer served to children during the Middle Ages.

The above is information which Mr. Smarty Pants read in a book, a magazine, or the newspaper; heard on the radio; saw on television; or overheard at a party. Got any facts? Leave a message for Mr. Smarty Pants, at 454-5766, ext. 226 for possible inclusion in the column. E-mail: [email protected]

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