The Austin Chronicle

Mister Smarty Pants Knows...

By Mr. Smarty Pants, February 9, 1996, Columns

When the Devil takes your soul he takes it from the back of your head.

The 1939 Nash was the first automobile in history to have air conditioning. Offered as an optional installation, it was called the "Weather-Eye."

The German city Kapzenellbogn means "cat's elbow."

When doing a computer search of United States Code Annotated, one would find that the popular name of the Mexican Agricultural Workers Importation Act is "The Wetback Act."

John Kennedy once contributed money to Richard Nixon's senate
campaign fund.

The above is information which Mr. Smarty Pants read in a book, a magazine, or the newspaper; heard on the radio; saw on television; or overheard at a party. Got any facts?
Leave a message for Mr. Smarty Pants, at 454-5766, ext. 226 for possible inclusion in the column.

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