Public Notice

HOW MUCH TO STAY HOME? Got a buttload of benefits this week, most of them in the Things We Wouldn't Do On a Bet, But Think Somebody Else Should category. Worthy causes all, so let's get to it...

  • Amy's Ice Cream 10K Cattle Drive Run (Sunday, May 7, 8am, Austin High School). We once read somewhere that it takes a mother sloth up to eight minutes to reach an endangered baby, and that's basically where we stand on the issue of movement. But this one's for Christopher House, plus it'll involve a lot of butterfat, so we say "Go for it." Registration is $12 at Run Tex (12th & Lamar) or you can late-register the day of the race from 6:45-7:45am at Austin High. Need more details? Call Amy's at 458-6149.

  • The Mayor's Lunch (Wednesday, May 10, 11:30-2:30pm, Wooldridge Park, 900 Guadalupe). Okay, we have political differences with the man. But it's for AIDS Services of Austin, and besides, how many chances do you get to see Kelly Willis live on your lunch hour (not to mention that big-calorie country cooking, courtesy of the Old Alligator Grill)? Tickets are $10, on sale in advance from the ASA office (406-6114) or at the park on Wednesday, starting at 11:30am. Come to think of it, don't you feel a noon meeting coming on? Bruce will be staffing the serving line, if it makes you feel better about it all...

  • Splash for the Springs (Monday, May 8, 7-10pm, Whole Foods new flagship store, 6th & Lamar). Now we're getting into the realm of things we might possibly do, if only because we're dying to get a look inside that concrete behemoth they've put up. This pre-opening benefit features Asleep at the Wheel, Esther's Follies, Jim Hightower and the usual prominent politicos, plus an all-natural spread so lavish you'd have to be a mega-grocer to put it on. Tickets are $25 in advance (478-5743) or $30 at the door; proceeds split between the Hill Country Foundation, Save Barton Creek Association, and the Save Our Springs Legal Defense Fund.

  • Day at the Ranch (Sunday, May 7, 2-6pm, rain or shine, Hickory Pass Ranch near Liberty Hill). Here's another high-dollar shindig, but it sounds like you'll get your money's worth: pony rides, skeet shooting, volleyball, pie throwing, tennis, archery, horseshoes, barrel bull riding, a barbecue dinner with all the trimmings, and yes, Bevo himself, looking damn pleased that he won't be joining his colleagues on the menu. It's all a benefit for the Center for Attitudinal Healing, a nonprofit outfit that helps families and children deal with serious illness, grief and loss. The cover's $30 for adults, $10 for kids; call 327-1961 for tickets and directions.

  • Cinco de Mayo at Horsefeathers (Friday, May 5, 6-10pm, Horsefeathers' parking lot, 3404 Guadalupe). Look for the usual Zaragosian charge: fajitas, libations, mariachis, señoritas, piñatas, and games, including the lyrically titled La Loteria Con Muchos Cosas Real Neat-O. Admission, which covers food and drink, is $15 at the gate or $12 in advance (call 474-2100 or snag tix at Horsefeathers or Bookwoman). Proceeds benefit AIDS Services of Austin's Paul Kirby Fund, which provides emergency financial assistance to people with AIDS.

GREENER BLUEPRINTS: Whether you're an AIA or a DIY, you'll find ideas worth stealing at this weekend's Green Building Conference (May 5-6 at Palmer Auditorium). Friday's for registrants only - meaning professional seminars, hardcore technical stuff and an extensive film and video program. But Saturday, anyone who pays a nominal door charge can wander through the Green Building Fair & Workshops, sucking up tips and tidbits for smarter living (don't forget to grab a map for Sunday's self-guided tour of outstanding sustainable buildings and landscaping projects). Complete conference registration is $65, but students can sign up free with valid ID. Call 499-STAR to nail it down.

OH, HENRY! Big doings down at Mr. Porter's backyard this weekend, May 5-6. Saturday, it's a Daylight Bluegrass Dance, featuring the Double Eagle String Band and other twangy types (noon-4pm on the lawn of the O. Henry Museum, 409 E. 5th). Sunday, the grounds are turned over to the 18th Annual O. Henry Pun-Off, slated from 1-5pm for audience purposes (contestants should show up by noon; remember, it costs nothing but your dignity to enter). Both events are free, but schedule extra time for parking - Pecan Street Festivalers will be after those spaces, too.

MISS MANNERS & MR. X: The Racism Study Group holds its next meeting on Wednesday, May 10, 6:30pm, at the Living Well Health Center, 4503 E. St. Elmo. The night's topic will be "cultural etiquette." The group, an ongoing project of the Austin Peace & Justice Coalition and the Foundation for a Compassionate Society, is "designed for white people who want to learn more about racism, both interpersonal and institutional, and how to end it." It's free and open to all.

GOOD MONEY FOR BAD HABITS: The UT School of Public Health is looking for pregnant women who have smoked during their current pregnancy, to participate in a study. Volunteers can earn $50-$120 for completing telephone interviews. They promise not to bug you about quitting. For details, call 800/572-9069.

IN DALLAS, THEY DON'T NOTICE IF YOU FOAM AT THE MOUTH: You may have missed this, but Texas is under a statewide rabies quarantine due to epidemics in the south, central and western parts of the state. To catch up on Austin's backlog of unvaccinated animals (estimated in the 150,000-225,000 range), the Capital Area Veterinary Medical Association will offer bargain-basement rabies shots, Saturday, May 6, 11am-3pm. The cost is $5 per critter, the locations as follows: Northeast Austin Health Center, 7112-7 Ed Bluestein; East Austin Multipurpose Center, 211 Comal; Dove Springs Rec Center, 5405 S. Pleasant Valley.

THEY GROW UP SO FAST: For two decades, the Open Door Preschool has been mixing kids up: abled, disabled, poor or not, black, brown, red, pink, yellow... have we left anyone out? If you were ever part of this glorious hash (or even if you weren't), you're invited to a 20th Anniversary and Reunion Party, Sunday, May 7, 2-5pm, at Zilker Clubhouse. Admission is $3 and there'll be kids' stuff galore. Questions? Call 371-1625.

THE SPOKIN' WORD: Remember, May 6-13 is Bicycle Austin! Week. For a full rundown of rides and events, call 480-0370.

Please send items to "Public Notice," The Austin Chronicle, P0 Box 49066, Austin, 78765. Info must be received by the Thursday prior to publication. Phone calls have a .01% chance of being returned.

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Kate X Messer, Aug. 24, 2001

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