Local Bestsellers
Local bestsellers are based on recent sales at Austin bookstores selected to reflect varied reading interests. This week's list of bestsellers is from BookWoman, 918 W. 12th.
Fri., Nov. 12, 1999
Local bestsellers are based on recent sales at Austin bookstores selected to reflect varied reading interests. This week's list of bestsellers is from BookWoman, 918 W. 12th.
1. Peel My Love Like an Onion: A Novel by Ana Castillo
2. Hunting the Witch by Ellen Hart
3. Barefoot Heart: Stories of a Migrant Child by Elva Treviño Hart
4. Dear Exile: The True Story of Two Friends Separated (for a Year) by an Ocean by Hilary Liftin and Kate Montgomery
5. Sister of My Heart by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
6. White Oleander by Janet Fitch
7. Cunt: A Declaration of Independence by Inga Muscio
8. Cruddy: A Novel by Lynda Barry
9. Loose Lips by Rita Mae Brown
10. Caucasia: A Novel by Danzy Senna