
Mixed Notes

Zapatista Youth is organizing a benefit to help pay for Raul Salinas' medical bills. Salinas has had a bladder tumor and is in need of some financial help to cover costs. Attending the event is a way to give back to a politically active author who has given much to this town. Ta Mère, East Babylon, and the Blimpe will perform at the Electric Lounge, November 5, 8pm for the benefit. Tickets can be purchased at Waterloo Records and Resistencia or at the Electric Lounge at the time of the benefit. Call 416-8885 for more information...

If you are reading this on Thursday, October 30, perhaps you'll want to attend a panel discussion hosted by the Center for Mexican American Studies, the Texas State Historical Association, and the Center for Studies in Texas History, titled "Mexican American History and the New Handbook of Texas: Honoring Women's Contributions" in the Bass Lecture Hall, 6pm...

Dr. Mary Pipher is a clinical psychologist and the author of Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls; she will be in town Friday, November 7 at 7pm at the LBJ auditorium in the basement of the LBJ Library to present a talk titled "Empowering Girls: Strategies for Parents, Teachers and Communities." Girl Games, Inc. will present a panel discussion with Austin teens titled "Austin Girls Speak Out" prior to Pipher's discussion at 6pm. Interestingly, a local organization, the Ophelia Project, was formed in February 1996 by 12 mothers of adolescent girls who read Pipher's book and wanted to address the issues in the book locally. The event has a whole cadre of additional supporters like the Renaissance Women's Center, YWCA, the Junior League, Women's Studies Department at UT, and Creative Women of Austin. Austinites don't like to just talk, they hold panels...

Quackenbush's is starting up a new author reading series and some of the first authors to appear will be Drs. Ronald and Jacqueline Angel of UT, who have written Who Will Care for Us: Aging and Long-Term Care in Multicultural America. The event will be held November 5, 7pm...

Cultural anthropologist Dr. Martin Oettinger, curator of Latin American art at the San Antonio Museum of Art, will be signing his book El Alma del Pueblo: Spanish Folk Art and Its Transformation in the Americas at 6pm at Tesoros Trading Company, 209 Congress; his book is the companion to the museum's exhibit, which opened in October. Local authors Joe P. Carr and Karen Witynski will be signing their book, entitled Mexican Country Style...

Julie Wade and Ana-Alicia Konstam, authors of Bats to Bluebonnets, a book segmented into "52 weeks of Hill Country fun for you and your children" will be at Book People Tuesday, November 4, 7pm, enacting one of the activities from the book. Also at Book People on Wednesday, November 5, 7pm, is Sue Harrison, author of Song of the River, a novel set in the Alaskan tundra 8,000 years ago. Harrison speaks the Aleutian Ahtna Athabascan language but will conveniently be reading in English...

At the new Barnes & Noble Guadalupe, Carol Dawson, author of Meeting the Minotaur, will read November 4 at 7pm and Christopher Middleton, UT faculty member and poet, will read from his Intimate Chronicles November 5, 7pm.

Book news for "Postscripts" must be received at least one week prior to issue date. Mail to: The Austin Chronicle, PO Box 49066, Austin, TX, 78765; fax 458-6910; or e-mail [email protected]

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The last time we heard about Karla Faye Tucker, she was being executed; now, almost four years later, there's a new novel about her. Or about someone very like her. And Beverly Lowry's classic Crossed Over, a memoir about getting to know Karla Faye Tucker, gets a reissue.

Clay Smith, Jan. 18, 2002

Not one day back from vacation and the growing list of noble souls who need to be congratulated is making Books Editor Clay Smith uneasy.

Clay Smith, Jan. 11, 2002

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