The Austin Chronicle


Authors at SXSW Multimedia

March 7, 1997, Books

The SXSW Multimedia/Interactive Festival is upon us, and naturally, the proceedings will feature many prominent writers as speakers. Included among the panelists at press time: Jamais Cascio, who writes about technology issues for the Global Business Network and has been published in Time and Wired, Mikki Halpin (editor of the online zine STIM), Charles Ostman (science editor for Mondo 2000), Bruce Sterling (Holy Fire), and Douglas Rushkoff (Cyberia), and R.U. Sirius (multiple titles). The conference also features notables such as Thomas Dolby, Rev. Ivan Stang, Ichat founder Andrew Busey, and many others. The festival runs March 8-11. For more information, check the SXSW guide elsewhere in this issue or visit .


* THU, MAR 6: Journalist Bill Moyers will speak at the KLRU-TV studios on his new book, Genesis: A Living Conversation. Tickets for the 7pm event can be purchased at KLRU studios or by calling 471-4811. The discussion is co-sponsored by Book People...

Book People will also host Ronnie Pugh, author of Ernest Tubb: The Texas Troubador, at 7pm. Pugh will be accompanied by Justin Tubb, son of the legendary Texas country singer...

Judge William Cornelius, Chief Justice of the Sixth Court of Appeals, will appear at Barnes & Noble (Arboretum), 7-8pm, to discuss and sign copies of his new book Swift and Sure.

* FRI, MAR 7: Sally and Andy Wasowski, authors of Native Texas Gardens, will host a slide presentation at Barnes & Noble (Arboretum),

Book People celebrates Women's History Month with first-time novelist Suzanne Frank, who will read from and sign copies of Reflections in the Nile, at 7pm.

* SAT, MAR 8: Three Barnes & Noble (Arboretum) events today: Collective Heart brings together 16 Texas writers as they remember World War II in fiction and non-fiction; Barnes & Noble will host seven authors from this collection -- Francis Abernethy, Judy Alter, Robert Flyan, Elmer Kelton, Margaret Rambie, Joyce Roach, and Fran Vick, 2-3pm...

Then, 3-4pm, several authors from Texas A&M Press and the Texas State Historical Association will have a panel discussion and booksigning. Included will be Julie Baker, T. Lindsay Baker, James Crisp, William Goetzmann, Lawrence Goodwyn, Douglas Meed, and Ron Tyler...

Finally, William Lasher, author of Veritas, will be signing at 7pm.

* WED, MAR 12: Adam Parfrey will be at Book People at 7pm to discuss his revised version of Apocalypse Culture, first published in 1987.

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