This award didn't come a moment too soon: Just last week Samantha Smoot announced she is stepping down, after six splendid years as president of the Texas Freedom Network. There are many here in the great state that feel a bit bowled over by the recent surge of religious extremity in politics, both stateside and nationwide. Luckily, Smoot and her gang of dedicated staff and volunteers offer a clear, balanced voice that often rises above the din. Made up of more than 7,500 religious and community leaders, TFN has been fighting the good fight since 1995, getting our collective back on wide-ranging, important issues such as school vouchers, abstinence-only sex ed, and campaign finance reform. The latest thorny cause the TFN has chosen to draw its sword of righteousness against is the strange desire of some to censor school textbooks, weakening the scientific basis of evolution in favor of the slightly more questionable "rib outta Adam" tale. For those who believe that the pesky theory of separation of church and state that ye olde founding fathers dreamt up is a good one, contact TFN and see how you can help.
Texas Freedom Network
PO Box 1624, Austin, TX 78767, 512/322-0545
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