Best Civic Beautification

East 11th Street and the Eastside

Our readers' overwhelming vote for what's happening along the East 11th corridor says that a broad range of Austinites recognize the jewel we have where the sun comes up in Central Texas. The new Charles Urdy Plaza featuring the dual mural Rhapsody by UT studio art prof John Yancey and Sankofa (see cover) by longtime East Austin glass artisan Reji Thomas, is a fitting hub for the mad clatter of new red brick that's been going up all around. Office spaces and banks are all well and good, but the real news is that Eastside stalwarts like the Victory Grill now have new leases on life. Of course, the balance between urban renewal and the pushing out of the very same people who saw the area through thick and thin is very delicate. But with the surge of energy that this recent boost has brought to the actual people most affected by the changes, this particular "beautification" project has a chance to achieve cultural miracles.

Austin Revitalization Authority
1105 Navasota, 512/469-1705

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