The Austin Chronicle

Snapshot: Project Panic

To celebrate the Chronicle's July Crime Month, staff go sleuthing at Austin Panic Room's newest escape game

By David Brendan Hall, July 6, 2018, Arts

Last weekend, eight Austin Chronicle staffers did something dangerous. As our informed and faithful guide Seena Ounsinegad put it, we formed "a group of privately trained investigators" to follow up on a tip that "Panic City's subway system is home to a deeper and darker underbelly, namely that it's home to a number of notorious crime gangs."

OK, so maybe (definitely) this was the description for the hi-tech "End of the Line" escape room at Project Panic – the four-years-running Austin Panic Room's new offshoot at Guadalupe and 44th – and our guide was an employee. Still, the Chron crew (with "Snapshot" as documentarian) dutifully dove into this local puzzler inspired by crime pop culture to celebrate the kickoff of our July Crime Month (

Project Panic, 4403 Guadalupe, is open Mon.-Fri., 9am-11pm, and Sun., 2-10pm. Book via

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