The Austin Chronicle

Review: Flight by Nothing, BACK FOR MORE

Blood-pumping choruses fuel the Austin fivepiece's indie rock debut

By Elizabeth Braaten, August 18, 2023, Music

"So when you get a moment/ Do you think that you're gonna own it?/ Or are you gonna sit around/ And wait until you die?" Fivepiece indie rock outfit Flight by Nothing is determined to embrace the now on their full-length debut, BACK FOR MORE, a tightly packaged, energetic project that makes the most of every second of its 17-minute duration. After deciding to form a band their senior year of high school, the Dallas-bred group didn't balk at tough decisions, giving up the creature comforts in their hometown to pursue a music career in Austin. That risk has elevated them to new heights following past releases dating back to 2018 – BACK FOR MORE blends shimmering indie-pop ("Track 02"), atmospheric art rock ("Spinnin' Out"), and elements of post-punk ("Analysis Paralysis"), gliding between blood-pumping choruses and ethereal chord progressions with gusto. Intimate discussions of existentialism, love, and heartbreak offer plenty to unpack here, with lyrics honest enough for listeners to feel, at times, like they're sitting in on a breakthrough therapy session. High-voltage from start to finish, the album's infectious zeal guarantees that Flight by Nothing is just taking off.

Flight by Nothing


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