The Austin Chronicle

SXSW Records

Reviewed by Michael Bertin, March 17, 2006, Music

Deadboy & the Elephantmen

We Are Night Sky (Fat Possum)

Deadboy & the Elephantmen certainly haven't done themselves any favors. With Deadboy being Dax Riggs and the Elephantmen aka-ing drummer Tessie Brunet, the White Stripes comparisons aren't going to be easy to avoid. So here it is: it's kinda White Stripesy. And it's not just the boy-girl makeup. It's not even when the slow, deliberate steps of "Stop, I'm Already Dead" kicks in to full bash and pop at the second verse. No, it's after the same form holds on "How Long the Night Was" and "Ancient Man" four songs into We Are Night Sky that the pair earns every comparison that comes its way. Even with a low mark for originality there's still points for presentation. There's more low-end thunder mixed with an odd sonic nod to the prime progenitor of indie rock guitar sound in Pavement's Scott Kannberg. There's even the a wail or two that could get Riggs a hair band double take (he was in the metal outfit Acid Bath). It makes for a good viewing, but reruns have short shelf lives. (Thursday, March 16, 8pm @ Stubb's)


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