Shaolin Warriors

Shaolin Warriors
Thanks to Kung Fu Panda, another generation has discovered the ancient martial art form practiced by Western-friendly artists Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Both sacred and deadly in its purest form, dedication to kung fu requires extreme physical and spiritual devotion and, according to the Shaolin Warriors from the People's Republic of China, the ability to bear the pain of spear points, a bed of nails, and perhaps some hammer blows. Impossible to classify, their performances are part choreographed dance and athletic spectacle akin to Cirque du Soleil or Elizabeth Streb and part meditative discipline. These daredevil stunt-monks serve up a buffet of kick-ass that, in a smackdown, would probably send the Kodo Drummers running. – Dawn Davis Loring
Long Center for the Performing Arts, 701 W. Riverside, 512/474-5664