The Austin Chronicle

SXSW Music: Hinds

By Abby Johnston, March 16, 2016, 9:45am, SXSW

Although they made the rounds last year at SXSW, Madrid quartet Hinds return now riding a wave of word-of-mouth. Their first splash of the week went down on the Eastside Tuesday night at Hype Hotel.

The bilingual, all-female group was all bouncing ponytails and smiles. The Spanish version of sister trio Haim? Mixed with the beach rock ethos of Best Coast, sure.

Like Haim, there were soaring lead vocals mixed with three-part pop harmonies. And like Best Coast, that pop lilts toward coastal waters. However apt those comparisons, Hinds’ differences distinguished them in a dazzling fashion.

“Garden” delivered pulsing intensity that tapped into the rawer bits of their nostalgic brand of guitar rock. “Warts” grew fast and thick on a guitar lick you rarely hear from power-chord-happy bands of Hinds’ ilk. All of this fresh from a 2016 debut LP and topped off with a coordinated bow.

Hinds are here to steal American hearts. First stop, SXSW.

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