The Austin Chronicle

'The NFL Beat': Week Four

By Alex Dunlap, September 29, 2012, 11:24am, The Score

This is "The NFL Beat" and I am backstage at Studio 6A. The birthplace of Austin City Limits, and its home for more than 30 years. I have a show here tonight, as well as a writing deadline. The show takes place onstage, the writing takes place backstage.

I can't get away from the "artsiness" that an environment such as this creates. This is why I will be forecasting this week's NFL matchups in Haiku form:

Seahawks at Rams
Marshawn Lynch goes big.
Sam Bradford is in trouble.
Don't start any Rams.

Panthers at Falcons
Cam Newton's home town.
Could it be a sophomore slump?
Love Tony Gonzo.

Vikings at Lions
Leshoure is for real.
Why do they hate Kevin Smith?
It doesn't matter.

Chargers at Chiefs
Sixth best QB match.
Still don't trust Phillip Rivers.
Takes toys and goes home.

Titans at Texans
Love Foster and Tate.
Chris Johnson must hate football.
Fantasy nightmare.

Patriots at Bills
Should be a shoot out.
I still love Stevan Ridley,
But it's Belichick ...

49ers at Jets
The NFC's best?
Coming to the Big Apple.
Sanchez should worry.

Bengals at Jaguars
Love both running backs.
Both have looked great, great matchups.
Look out for Hawkins.

Raiders at Broncos
The Raiders are bad.
Manning will tear them to shreds.
Start Broncos WRs.

Dolphins at Cardinals
Tough matchup for both.
Wouldn't start any RB.
Two tough front-sevens.

Redskins at Bucs
Bucs run D improved.
Love Griffin, but not Morris.
Big Doug Martin week.

Saints at Packers
Big week for Ced Ben.
Could the Saints go 0-4?
Huge game for Rodgers.

Giants at Eagles
The NFC East.
The Mount Rushmore of QBs.
Vick has a bounce back.

Bears at Cowboys
Dallas is improved.
Jay Cutler won't win this one.
Buy low on Brandon Marshall.

[Alex Dunlap is a member of the Pro Football Writers of America, the host of RosterWatch on 104.9FM ESPN Radio, founder of, and a fNFL Columnist for Bleacher Report.]

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