The Austin Chronicle

SXSW Film Review: Claire in Motion

By Ashley Moreno, March 15, 2016, 1:15am, Picture in Picture

Claire (Betsy Brandt, Breaking Bad) has it together - a teaching position at a university, a family, a good life. But when her husband, Paul (Chris Beetem), goes missing, she’s left alone to process his disappearance. A task that grows harder as the search unearths aspects of her spouse she never knew.

Familiar names pack the cast and crew of Claire in Motion. The co-directors/writers, Lisa Robinson and Annie J. Howell, brought their feature Small, Beautifully Moving Parts to SXSW back in 2011. And Anna Margaret Hollyman, who plays Allison, a grad student with whom Paul has a questionable relationship, was in the 2012 SXSW film, Gayby. It’ll come as no surprise then that the performances dazzle, and the script does an expert job of balancing the mystery of the missing person story with the intimacy of Claire’s emotional struggle, the latter of which steals the show. The muted green and blue color scheme contributes to the film’s intimate, sorrowful feel, and the photography is just lovely. But what really sets this character study apart from so many other good ones? The little pops of suspense sprinkled throughout the film regarding Paul’s disappearance. They punctuate Claire’s emotional apprehensions on giving up the search for her missing husband, and they’re just damn eerie.

Claire in Motion

Narrative Feature Competition, World Premiere
Tuesday, March 15, 10:45am, Alamo South Lamar
Thursday, March 17, 8:30pm, Alamo South Lamar

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