The Austin Chronicle

Blue Starlite Shines at Austin Studios

By Richard Whittaker, June 13, 2012, 12:25pm, Picture in Picture

If you've been waiting to hear what the Blue Starlite Urban Drive-In will be showing at its new home at Austin Studios, wait no more! Drive-in boss Josh Frank sent us an email and wrote, "Wanted to show y'all first!" and now we can share it with you, in all its Lone Star State of Cinema-lovin' glory.

When Frank announced earlier this year that he'd be relocating his one-of-a-kind cinematic experience out to the studio lot, he promised an eclectic mix of local indie, Texas legends and good, old fashioned, crowd-pleasing Summer fun. And, yes, this line-up delivers.

The series launches on July 4 with flag-waving, alien-punching, end-of-the-world classic Independence Day (natch) before taking a deep dip into the best of Texas cinema. Local heroes get their turn, with screenings for Mike Judge (Office Space), Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused plus a double header of School of Rock and Waking Life) and Robert Rodriguez (Planet Terror for the grown-ups and the original Spy Kids for the family). The Austin Film Society will be highlighting some Texas classics, like Giant, and some lesser-known works like Fantastic Fest 2008 skunk ape shocker Wild Man of the Navidad. Meanwhile the old Starlite keeps its mojo flowing with Blue Lite Specials like The Princess Bride.

More details and tickets at, but first, here's the full list:

July 4: Independence Day

July 13: Dazed and Confused
Late night special: Night of the living Dead

July 14: The School of Rock
Late night special: Waking Life

July 26: Office Space with Beavis and Butthead

July 27: Planet Terror

July 28: Spy Kids

Aug. 10: Princess Bride

Aug. 11: Wild Man of the Navidad

Aug. 12: Harry and the Hendersons

Aug. 23: Moulin Rouge

Aug. 24: Lone Star

Aug. 25: Giant

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