The Austin Chronicle

Romeo Rose for Mayor

By Brandon Watson, November 8, 2013, 11:45am, Newsdesk

For most of us, the next Austin election is merely the subject of idle speculation. Luckily, local wedding photographer Larry Busby is not most of us. He has been busy working on a platform for what's sure to be an exhilarating campaign. Hold on to your hats folks, Romeo Rose says he's running for mayor.

Busby, best known for his romantic musings on sleep paralysis, may seem like an unconventional choice for the "People's Republic of Austin." After all, his politics are a pousse-café of men's rights rancor, evangelical Christian paranoia, and skeeziness. But Austin likes to keep it weird sometimes. Maybe it's time to let the ballyhoo boys loose.

Although Busby has not yet set-up his campaign site, yesterday he did hold a Twitter town hall to offer a sneak peek of his signature issues. The first order of business seems to be clearing Austin of subversive voters. Busby is Joe McCarthy in a violet crown.

He then offered a special appeal to women voters.

Other constituencies shouldn't worry that he is putting women first. Rose has his finger on the pulse of all local issues – like our unique economy. Austin is the "Live Music Capital of the World" after all, and he is ever mindful of the rock bloc.

As for funding, he seems to be set. Judging from his clever use of dog whistle language, it seems our rose by another name has attracted a powerful street wear PAC.

He expects some won't cotton to his message, but he looks forward to the debates.

And he remained unfazed by the possibility of a smear campaign.

Once he is elected, he is prepared to use his considerable clout to help less well-known candidates in their own political bids.

Later on Facebook, he said he is prepared to go the distance in his campaign.

Unfortunately, the demands of a campaign seem to already be taking their toll on Busby. It might be time for him to take a break from his non-stop schedule of Meet the Press appearances and baby kissing. All work and no play makes Romeo Rose a very dull boy.

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