The Austin Chronicle

The Daily Hustle: 11/5/10

By Eric Pickhartz, November 5, 2010, 9:15am, Newsdesk

Today's Daily Hustle is pretty special. Not only is it being ghostwritten for the first time by the Hustle Intern (Mr. Hustle is apparently nursing a Wurstfest hangover), but the topic is a can't-miss, no-fail, crowd-pleaser: Kittens and puppies!

The City of Austin has invited the public to meet and interact with finalists for the Chief Animal Services Officer at the Austin Animal Center. Things get started at 6pm this Monday, Nov. 8 at the Town Lake Center (Austin Energy's office), Assembly Room No. 130, 720 Barton Springs Road.

The new chief will supervise the switch from the current Town Lake facilities to Austin's new Animal Center at the Betty Dunkerley Campus at 7201 Levander Loop. Five candidates are in the running (always fun to say that phrase, even though Nov. 2 is over with!):

Laura Hinze is the Operations Director at PAWS Chicago, the largest free spay/neuter clinic in the country.

Ellen Jefferson, DVM is our only local girl, serving as President of Austin Pets Alive! since 2008.

Linda A. Haller is the most experienced candidate, with 25 years in the biz. She has worked in Orange County, Fla., and the Hawaiian Humane Society.

Julie Seal has worked for the Humane Society in both Arizona and California, and published a book, "Love Stories of Pets and Their People," in 2000.

Abigail Smith hails from New York, where she served as Executive Director of the SPCA in Ithaca.

So if you care about whose hands those cuddly little critters are in, here's your chance to be involved in the selection process.

What the hell else is happening?

On the city calendar: The Joint City Council, AISD Bd, & Travis County Commissioners meets in the Boards and Commissions Room at City Hall, 301 W. Second, 11:30am.

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