The Austin Chronicle

The Daily Hustle: 7/14/10

By Wells Dunbar, July 14, 2010, 8:38am, Newsdesk

Board and commission work, including council's Public Health and Human Services committee, dominates the agenda again today. After the jump, Randi Shade brings us up to speed with her meeting deets.

PH&HS' last meeting proved mildly controversial as there was no Channel 6 airing of their discussion – somewhat surprising given the topic was contracting with social service providers. Shade called the Hustle yesterday to inform him that the meeting was being moved from the staff bullpen to council chambers as to be recorded. Health and Human Services director David Lurie will be briefing Shade and Laura Morrison (Mike Martinez is out of town) on current contracting procedure. And for good measure, Shade says she's talking to Channel 6 about putting her low-quality personal recording of the previous meeting online.

… Speaking of boards and commissions, the city's launched a new portal where you can get the skinny on all the Bs and Cs you want. That's at the Boards and Commissions Information Center, where, the city brags, “The new site serves as a one-stop source for agendas, approved meeting minutes, backup information for agenda items, by-laws and other information including vacancies, the application process, and liaison contacts. It provides training materials so board members can complete their initial and annual training online.” Cool.

… In addition to the B&C meetings below, a roundtable on the future of public access TV, financially threatened by the sunsetting of cable franchise payments to public airwaves channelAustin, is scheduled tonight in the Boards and Commissions room at City Hall, 301 W. Second, 6-9pm, for the masochistic among us.

What the hell else is happening?

On the city calendar: The Public Health and Human Services Committee convenes in Room 1029 at City Hall, 301 W. Second, 1:30pm.

The Animal Advisory Commission is meeting in room 105 at Waller Creek Plaza, 625 E. 10th, 6pm.

The Water and Wastewater Commission is happening in room 104 at the Waller Creek Plaza, 6pm.

The Solid Waste Advisory Commission meets in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 6:30pm.

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