The Austin Chronicle

Empty Seat News

By Richard Whittaker, June 5, 2008, 9:54am, Newsdesk

Gov. Rick Perry has announced that the special election to fill Senate District 17, the seat of retiring Sen. Kyle Janek, R-Houston, will indeed be on Nov. 4. So, no shocker there. Closing date for filing applications of Aug. 29 at 5pm, early voting will be Oct. 20-31. However, it will be interesting to see who files: in 2006, Janek held the seat with 78% and no Democrat challenger. These days, the Texas Democratic Party is looking at Harris and the surrounding counties as ground zero for legislature gains. Janek's early exit gives them room for an unexpected gain in the Senate. Plus, the GOP will need to find their own candidate.

Meanwhile, on a related note, outgoing eight-term incumbent Rep. George "Buddy" West, R-Odessa, is currently recovering after he collapsed in a restaurant last week. 71-year-old West, who lost a primary runoff to challenger Tryon Lewis 76%-24%, has been taken off a ventilator and is breathing by himself. Doctors have upgraded his condition to serious. We at Newsdesk wish Buddy a speedy recovery.

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