The Austin Chronicle

Austin Teens Remember 9/11

By William Harries Graham, September 10, 2012, 11:31am, Earache!

My dad, Jon Dee Graham, is a touring musician. As he rolled out of New York City a few days ago, the last thing he saw in his rear view were the two spotlights glowing in the skyline where the Twin Towers stood, like lighthouse beacons shining. The day the Towers fell, he was in desperate search of his oldest child in grade school. The phone lines were down.

From Austin that September 11, 2001, he scoured the news for any sign that his son had made it. He finally got through. Roy, now at NYU, was safe - unlike many New Yorkers.

A few weeks ago, bassist David Ziolkowski of Casino and Pangia brought up the idea of teens doing a commemorative show in honor of 9/11. David, whose father is veteran local bassist Vic Gerard (Derailers, Two Hoots & a Holler), was four years old on 9/11. Spirited with patriotism, we jumped on the idea. Maria Corbloan of Maria's Tacos offered us a spot.

I asked several teens what they think of when they hear the phrase “9/11.” Responses: heartbreak, disbelief, violation, the devastation of families being torn apart, followed by galvanization, xenophobia, fear, mourning.

From David's POV, the reason for teens playing music on 9/11 is simple: “I hope to not as much to send a message, but to just brighten the mood for people. There's no doubt that everyone will be thinking about it, so I thought that instead of dwelling on the sad aspects we could put on a show to remember it in a more positive manner.”

Join the U18 bands Pangia, the Seaside Swifts, and Identity Crisis, plus some special guests, at Maria's Tacos tomorrow, Sept. 11, 6:30-9pm. Amnesty International will be on hand with information on how to start Amnesty student groups.

Pretty great way to spend the evening of Patriot Day.

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