The Austin Chronicle

The AggreGAYtor: November 21

By Brandon Watson, November 21, 2012, 1:45pm, Qmmunity

Frank Oceans declines definition, Meredith Vieira gives us a view, and Ken Mehlman attempts the impossible. Today’s AggreGAYtor dips into the gravy.

• If you are going to San Francisco, be sure to wear a flower in your hair. And something to cover your genitals, trollop.

• In a refreshing change from the usual blaming gays for everything from Hurricane Sandy to gingivitis, the Liberty Council's Mat Staver is now pointing fingers at Mitt Romney.

• Key West cops are investigating alleged hate attack on two gay men.

• EA Games may feature same-pixel nuptials in its latest edition to the Final Fantasy franchise.

• Columbian senator Roberto Gerlein says “dirty, repulsive, it is sex that deserves condemnation” which is kinda turning me on for some reason.

• Excrementally named Fox reporter Steve Doocey (seriously, you can almost hear the plop) celebrated yesterday’s Transgender Day of Remembrance by stirring up transphobia.

• A coven convent of Ohioan nuns are worried that birth control is turning men gay, which is why I always carry a IUD in my back pack.

• Quiz time! Frank Ocean is:

a. your lover

b. your friend

c. something you will never comprehend.

• Although the Daily Mail is to truthfulness as Donald Trump is to respectfulness, I really like the idea of running into a lesbian barmaid named Doris Day. Fun fact: Doris Day was almost “Mrs. Robinson” in The Graduate Coocoocachoo?

Mykki Blanco is the hotness.

• Like your middle aged son who quit college to go to clown college, the Human Rights Campaign is a perpetual font of disappointment. Instead of riding the momentum of the queerlection, new president Chad Griffin is dropping federal initiatives to focus on state issues.

• Hey, but at least he is willing to wallow in the mire of the “fiscal cliff.”

• The majority of Michigan voters now support marriage equality.

Meredith Vieira’s husband Richard Cohen enjoys it when she macks down on Joy Behar. The rest of us just act like we are checking our email and shuffle our feet uncomfortably.

• The Arizona marriage equality fight is starting in Scottsdale.

• An Oklahoma appeals court orders judge to provide name change for trans woman.

• Ex RNC Chair Ken Mehlman is launching a project to promote equality among conservatives. You know - those same Republicans he hid his sexuality from for fear of losing his clout.

• New Yorkers protest Jamaican consulate for homophobia.

• Students at Ohio’s Celina High School, who were recently in the news for banning “straight but supportive” t-shirts, are now petitioning for a gay-straight alliance. And you thought all Millennials were assholes.

• Be sure to watch tomorrow’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade to see a life size balloon representation of Dan Savage’s ego.

Sex cults, drugs, murder. Nancy Grace must be floating in the air like Pepé Le Pew.

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