The Austin Chronicle

About AIDS

March 7, 1997, Columns

We're on Cable! In an effort to disseminate accurate and up-to-date information regarding HIV/AIDS, AIDS Services of Austin is now producing monthly segments for "Open Studio," a 30-minute program on Austin Community Access Center (ACAC -- cable channel 16). In doing this, it is also the aim to raise awareness in the Austin community regarding services available to people living with, or affected by, the illness. Please let us know what you think about the program, and which topics you would like to see featured in the segments.

Volunteer Opportunities Abound at
AIDS Services of Austin! We have something for everyone who is willing to be of assistance!

For those of you who are more interested in helping with things such as mailings and other office projects, we have Tue & Thu, 9am-1pm and Thu, 6-9pm as open volunteer times. These are great times to meet new, interesting, wonderful people.

The Open Hands Food Pantry needs volunteers to help take orders and sack groceries, prepare items for distribution during off hours, and make home deliveries to clients who are too ill to come in to our office.

Freelance Volunteers drive clients to medical and social service appointments, help with housework, cooking, lawn care, maintenance, laundry, and sometimes child care. Freelance volunteers are assigned to a client usually on a one-time only basis. There is a short training for volunteers in this program.

Buddy/Helper Volunteers are assigned one-to-one with a client. They provide continuing, practical, weekly support of household maintenance and errands. These volunteers also provide emotional support and friendship to clients. Clients have described their buddy/helper volunteers as a "professional friend!" The next two-day weekend seminar required to participate in this program is March 22-23.

Animal Companions help people with pet care. This includes providing in-home animal care, finding low-cost veterinary service, and boarding or fostering a pet when a client becomes ill or is hospitalized. Animal companions are also able to provide high-quality pet food for clients' pets at no cost to the client.

For these and all volunteer programs at ASA, we require that volunteers attend a 21/2 hour general orientation program here at our offices. During this time each of you will be given a comprehensive overview of the volunteer possibilities that will fit your desire to serve your community. Our next Orientations are scheduled for:

Sat, Mar 3,10am-12:30pm; Wed, Apr 5, 6-8:30pm;
Wed, May 7, 6-8:30pm.

Please call us at 406-6167 to register or for further information. We look forward to hearing from you! [email protected]

Robert Stewart

Volunteer Coordinator

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